Something scary that I've read a little bit about in the last week or so is the new topic of net neutrality. Supposedly American congress is discussing whether or not to give internet service providers free reign to choose which internet content you will be able to see and which you can't. Giving them the ability to charge companies and individuals to have their sites made accessible to the public; thereby destroying all that is good about the internet. The level playing field is once again tipping in favour of the large corporation. It sounds as if somebody out there wants the internet to turn into some kind of giant yellow pages service. The number of ways in which this could be bad for consumers and companies is innumerable, and yet I find it very hard to think of one way in which anyone other than service providers could actually benefit from such a system. The best explanation that I have found on the topic of net neutrality was found on the ask a ninja site, his funny yet descriptive video can be viewed here.
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