Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Japanese Auction Fun

Went in to an auction yard yesterday, cos we're cruising to buy us a car to take back to Australia. Didn't find anything though. Many of the cars are fine to take back into Australia because the specs are pretty much identical in both places, and an added bonus is that we drive on the same side of the street. The car that we've had our eyes on for a while now is the Subaru Legacy GT. A car with plenty of grunt and still enough space inside to actually work with. The all wheel drive aspect is appealing but at the same time it's a problem due to fuel issues. We've been looking at the latest model mainly because it feels great to be in one and also because it would give us the greatest boost in resale value when we take it back to Aus, that is if we can bring ourselves to sell it. I'm not gonna list any of it's specs here, because most people wouldn't be interested, and for those that are they can be found on many a website.
Of course, with the potential purchase being a car, I've got absolutely no idea whether it's a good idea or not. The main issues that I have with the car is that it uses a little too much fuel for my liking (only about 9.5 kms to the litre for city driving) and that it's also known for rust in the front brake area. I am supposing that every car is going to have it's issues and these are just a couple that I am going to have to deal with for the time being. As I said, I've always got the option of selling it.

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