Friday, November 17, 2006

A few good quality insults

Was reading the news thismorning when I came across a section inviting people to share some of the better insults that they'd heard in their lifetimes. I was surprised to find that a few of the better ones there (the list is still quite limited) were alleged quotes from Winston Churchill and Gough Whitlam, those pollies sure know their trash talk.

Anyway, here's a few of them,

During the 1970’s Labour election campaign.
A heckler cries out “And what will you do about the law on abortion Gough?”
Mr Whitlam replies “In your case we’ll make it retrospective.”

The famous face-off:
Lady Astor: “Winston, if I were your wife I’d put poison in your coffee.”
Winston Churchill: “Nancy, if I were your husband I’d drink it.”

Paul Keating, “He is just a shiver looking for a spine to crawl up”.

woman to Churchill “you sir, are drunk”
Churchill response “and you madam are ugly and in the morning, I will be sober”

Boy George on Prince - “He looks like a dwarf who’s been dipped in a bucket of pubic hair.”

My definite favourite of the list, however, would have to be this one -

"if i throw a stick, will you go away?”


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